The Safe House is a service provided by Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong. The Safe
House is a place for people of different faiths to share and support each other. Our goal is to build a mutual support
group with mission. In the group, people who are doubting their religions and people in transitions of
religions will receive unconditional acceptance, care, support, and basic counselling service. The group has the
mission to bring these to other people having similar experiences. This service is provided free of charge by Unitarian
Universalists Hong Kong's qualified counsellor.
Time: first and third Mondays of each month, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
"Rainbow of Hong Kong", 7D, National Court, 242 Nathan Rd, Kowloon (junction of Nathan Rd & Jordan Rd)
Enquiry: 8100 4406
This service does not promote any religion or encourage leaving any religion.
service respects participants' doubts of and decisions to change any religion; this service aims to build a
support group for those who are skeptical to or are changing religions, and to provide counselling of clarification.
Participants shall try to attend all activities.
Participants shall not preach
or promote any religion.
Participants shall not sell any products or services.
Participants shall not have money dealings
or loan activities with other participants.
Participants shall keep confidential sharings of other participants.
shall respect other paticipants' adherence to or lack of religious faiths, and shall not try to convince others
of their own beliefs.
Thanks to "Rainbow of Hong Kong" for providing the venue for free.
The Safe House service is for everyone, not just gay people.