Thursday, 12 January 2006
Wish-list for Our Future Activities
Mood:  bright
Activites are, afterall, the "meat" of our Society. The following activities came up my mind. You may add more. Participating in worships of various denominations such as Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox. Visit places of different religions including Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Muslim, etc. Invite leaders of the above denominations and religions to teach us basics of their denominations and religions; or joining together introductory classes organized by those religions. Introductory courses to Unitarian Universalism, the basis on which we build our religious community. Talks on religious liberalism given by liberal theologians and researchers of religion. Meditations and retreats. Certainly eating together from time to time and out-door activities such as ball games and hiking.

Posted by ssshk at 6:51 PM WST
Updated: Monday, 28 August 2006 6:03 PM JST

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