
Several Chinese translations for the name Unitarian Universalism have been suggested in the Hong Kong Liberal Christian Forum here, the forum recommended by our Progressive Christian Fellowship. Among the best are "?I?I??" (a phonic translation of "UU" and gives Taiwan (and all Chinese) readers a sense of relaxation, tenderness, and kindness, which are what UU's inclusiveness and tolerance for. On par with that is the "?????@??????". I consider the third choice being "???R?@???{??/????". (edit: oops! Chinese cannot be shown, please refer to the link above)
I have also copied my previous work schedule here to remind myself of the work finsihed and unfinished:
"What we need to do is to translate essential UU materials (thank you, Clement, for translating the UU Christian Fellowship FAQ), creat a website, and make ourselves known through pamphlets, exposures on web radios, organising activities in post-secondary schools, etc."
Please suggest more!
I'm also thinking of adding "Form 3 to Form 4 Mission." An introspection of my own spiritual journey reveals that I was captured by evangelical Protestant Christianity because somebody bothered to find me while I was in Form 4. That is is a period when young souls start to explore the world. While Form 2 is too young and Form 5 busy preparing for an open examination, reaching out to Form 3 and Form 4 is an essential way to fulfill our mission of encoraging religious exploration!
Please note that I have translated majority of the introduction to UU by Wikipedia, work is still ongoing, I hope to finish it by tonight. Please take a look by clicking the tab "UU Resources in Chinese" and then "Wikipedia." Don't forget to leave your comment in our guestbook (English only) or Forum (both English and Chinese)!
Now we have a temp website at Tripod here (wish to move to independent domain name later), translation work on the way, after which printing of Chinese pamphlets can go ahead. Let's don't forget to record web radio programmes later and then start our promotional work in schools.
Posted by ssshk
at 12:47 PM WST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 April 2008 3:33 PM JST